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Llamas packing out elk
Llamas packing out elk, Pack llama, pack llamas, llamas for sale, pack llamas for sale, female llamas for sale, female pack llamas for sale, ccara llama, ccara, ccara llamas for sale, ccaras for sale, female ccara llamas, llamas for sale montana, pack llamas for sale montana, montana llamas, montana pack llamas, montana llamas for sale, montana, cria, crias

Rock Creek Trail Llamas strives to produce the finest quality pack llamas anywhere. We select for elite genetics and breed to enhance the qualities that create a llama that can go all day to make your backcountry adventures unforgettable.

Why Llamas

If you're interested in adding stock animals to your backcountry trips, you may be wondering what species is best for your needs and why. No stock animal can do everything, but llamas offer several advantages over other species. 

They can carry a higher percentage of their body weight than other species, up to 25% of their body weight in gear, and higher when packing meat (which rides closer to the body due to its density). We've packed bone-in elk hind quarters out of the mountains, and the boys didn't skip a beat.

Llamas also require less food and water than other species, relative to their body weight, allowing you to camp in places you may not be able to with horses or mules. Finally, I've found that llamas will put game at ease. I've woken up in the night to bull elk bedded less than 40 yards from my tent, right next to the llamas!

Pack llama, pack llamas, llamas for sale, pack llamas for sale, female llamas for sale, female pack llamas for sale, ccara llama, ccara, ccara llamas for sale, ccaras for sale, female ccara llamas, llamas for sale montana, pack llamas for sale montana, montana llamas, montana pack llamas, montana llamas for sale, montana, cria, crias
Pack llama, pack llamas, llamas for sale, pack llamas for sale, female llamas for sale, female pack llamas for sale, ccara llama, ccara, ccara llamas for sale, ccaras for sale, female ccara llamas, llamas for sale montana, pack llamas for sale montana, montana llamas, montana pack llamas, montana llamas for sale, montana, cria, crias

Our Llamas

Rock Creek Trail Llamas aims to produce high-quality pack animals. Our studs have to prove themselves on the trail before they can breed. We have some great genetic lines in our herd, and we breed to enhance the qualities that make a great pack animal. 

We select for animals that have large frames, proportional structure, and muscular builds, as well as being trainable and having the drive to pack.

Get In Touch!

Deer Lodge, Montana

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Rock Creek Trail Llamas

Deer Lodge, Montana

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